Venues & Parking
Listed below is a list of our most active venues. For more information on each location, click on the logo to access their website.
One War Memorial Sq Rochester NY 14614
This Venue is Rochester's largest sports arena, mostly known for hockey, basketball, and wrestling events. BCA also hosts concerts, monster truck events, and even the circus.
Parking is unpredictable at this venue. At times there is paid parking available at the employee parking lot on Court St for $4. However, you may need to park at a garage. A detailed parking garage map in the surrounding area can be found here.
4355 Lakeshore Dr, Canandaigua, NY 14424
CMAC is a summer venue located in Canandaigua NY, a 40 minute drive from downtown Rochester.
Parking is always free, and most of the time employees park in the VIP lot in front of Fingerlakes Community College.
Be careful and do not speed downtown Canandaguia or you will get a ticket!
26 Gibbs St Rochester NY 14604
This location has a few venues that host RPO/school orchestra concerts, opera productions, and Jazzfest. Due to new security measures, all employees must wear their university issued ID bage on site. You can only get a ID if you are on University payroll.
In addition to on street parking, the East End Parking garage is located at 475 E Main St and cost ranges from $2-10.
There is no street parking available on Swan St., and parking enforcement will ticket your car.
Attached is a map that shows the
work entrances to Kodak Hall, Kilbourn Hall, and the 804 Annex.

50 N. Plymouth Ave Rochester NY 14614
Located near city hall, this venue is predominately a music school that occasionally hosts concerts and events. There is no free parking except for on street parking after 5 pm. More details about parking can be found here.
123 E Main St Rochester NY 14604
Located in the heart of downtown, the Joseph A. Floreano is host to many of Rochester's large expos, including the annual Rochester Auto Show. Work entrance is located behind the convention center on the driveway located on South Ave.
On street parking is very limited, best bet is the South Avenue Garage, located on 39 Stone St and cost ranges from $2-10.
200 West Ridge Rd Rochester NY 14615
This theatre is located in Kodak's industrial park on rt. 104 - not to be mistaken with Kodak Hall downtown. Once you enter the building, take the elevator to the second floor. Stage is down the hall.
There is ample free parking across the street from the venue.
252 Elmwood Avenue Rochester, NY
The University Riverside campus hosts events and concerts most often at the Field House, the Louis Alexander Palestra, and the Hajim Gymnasium. Occasionally there are outdoor events.
Riverside's Campus map can be found here.
All other campus maps can be found here.
During business hours you will have to most likely pay for parking. At the visitor booth on WIlson Blvd. located just off of Elmwood Ave. $5 for a day parking permit. Otherwise there is limited street metered parking.
More parking info here.