Hiring Hall Rules
I.A.T.S.E Local 25 Stagehand Expectations for New Hires
A) Be prepared to work by wearing protective clothing, shoes, and bringing proper tools to calls such as work gloves, crescent wrench, knife, etc. There are times that work will happen outside, so dress accordingly to the weather forecast.
B) You are expected to be at the work site at least ten minutes before the actual “call time”. The call time is the time you are ready to work, not the time you are strolling in the door.
C) If you are more than 30 minutes late, you may be replaced on that call. If you think you are going to be late, call the steward first, if you can’t call the steward, call the business agent, Dave Houser.
D) Be sure to check in with the job steward as soon as you arrive. Do not leave the job without checking with the steward.
E) When on the job, SAFETY is number one. Keep an eye on all the moving parts and be careful of your surroundings. Look out for the safety of others especially when large items are moving around.
F) Maintain a professional demeanor at all times on the job. Turn your cell phone off and use it only during breaks. Do not create more noise by excessive talking that is not necessary for work. No smoking/vaping on stage or on the loading dock.
G) If problems arise, locate the steward and let him/her resolve the situation.
H) The following infractions will mean immediate dismissal from the call and possible suspension and fines:
1) Coming to work intoxicated/under the influence of drugs
2) Drinking alcohol or taking drugs on the job.
3) Insubordination
I) Never bring friends or family in the back door to a show without asking the steward’s permission. Don’t bring them backstage without permission from the steward.